The project will support water resources development in two of the eighteen basins in Balochistan – Nari and Porali river basins
Economic development through more efficient, productive and sustainable management and use of water resources
The Government of Balochistan has establised the Project Management Unit for the implementation of BIWRMD Project



A Project Of The Government Of Balochistan Implemented By The Provincial Irrigation Department With Support From The World Bank

The Government of Balochistan has obtained a credit (No. 5885-PAK) from the World Bank for implementation of the Balochistan Integrated Water Resources Management & Development Project (BIWRMDP). The Project is being implemented by the Government of Balochistan through the Balochistan Irrigation Department with support from other government departments and various consultants.


Project Start



Project Completion

Project Beneficiaries

The main Project beneficiaries will be small-holding farmers (up to 5 ha) and medium holding farmers (5-20 ha) engaged in irrigated agriculture. In the Project areas, approximately 42,800 farm households will benefit from irrigation schemes and improved on-farm water management, 3,600 households will benefit from improved potable water supply, 10,200 households will benefit from improved flood protection and 20,400 households will benefit from better watershed and range land management. In total, approximately 71,200 households (or an estimated 569,400 people) will directly benefit; these totals reflect that some households benefit from multiple project interventions and assume an average of eight people per household.

Project Area

The Project will be implemented in the Nari Basin (69,200 km2) and the Porali Basin (11,600 km2). Six irrigation schemes will be implemented; three in the Nari Basin (scheme area 62,400 ha) and three in the Porali Basin (scheme area 15,600 ha). There will also be sixteen village water supply schemes where intake structures and water supply systems will be rehabilitated and remodeled. The Project will finance flood protection works in five districts (seven sites) in the Nari Basin, and in two districts (five sites) in the Porali Basin. Collectively, across the two river basins, these flood protection works will protect ~14,600 ha from erosion and floods.

Message from the Project Director

The Government of Balochistan has obtained a credit (No. 5885-PAK) from the World Bank for implementation ofthe Balochistan Integrated Water Resources Management & Development Project (BIWRMDP). The BIWRMDP Project is being implemented by the Government of Balochistan through the Balochistan Irrigation Department with support from other government departments and various consultants. A fully equipped and independent Project Management Unit has been established for the smooth implementation of the project…

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